28 de febrero de 2015

Factores que Influyen para que una Campaña de Publicidad tenga Exito

Factores que Influyen para que una Campaña de Publicidad tenga Exito

• Cobertura Geográfica
• Urgencia
• Agresividad de la campaña
• Presupuesto

27 de febrero de 2015

Cómo recuperar correos electrónicos eliminados de Hotmail

How To Recover Deleted Hotmail Emails
Monday, April 09, 2012 | Featured Blog: gHacks Technology News

Microsoft has implemented two fail safe mechanisms when it comes to deleting emails in Hotmail. Emails that you delete in Microsoft’s email service are first moved to the deleted folder. This is similar to the way files are deleted in Windows. The idea here is to give you an option to recover emails that you may have accidentally deleted, or emails that you have deleted but need to access at a later point in time again.

A click on deleted in the sidebar displays all email messages that you have deleted in Hotmail and not yet removed from that folder.
Recover Deleted Hotmail Emails

deleted email hotmail

You can recover emails in the deleted emails folder by dragging and dropping them into another folder. It is important to check all emails that you want to move from the deleted folder into another one if you want to move more than one email from the folder. While you could move all emails individually, it is usually more convenient to mark all emails and move them at once.

Emails that you delete in Hotmail’s deleted folder are not necessarily deleted permanently. This may come as a surprise to Hotmail users who thought that deleted emails would as a result be unrecoverable.

When you look at the bottom of the screen, you will notice the following message there:

Lost a message? When you recover deleted messages, we bring back as many as we can. Learn More.

The recover deleted messages sends a command to Hotmail to recover as many deleted emails as possible. While you do not get a guarantee that emails can be recovered, it can mean that you or someone else can recover emails that you thought were deleted permanently. As with all things tech, this can be used for good and bad purposes.

Microsoft does not reveal much about the process. The company fails to state the criteria (e.g. time, space or other constraints) that it uses to recover previously deleted emails.

The help page notes that the deleted folder gets cleaned up regularly, and that the option has been primarily been designed to give users an option to recover emails after hacking attacks (as hackers may delete all messages of an account).

There is however an option to stop Hotmail from offering to recover deleted messages. Click on the Options link in the upper right corner of the screen, and selected More Options from the context menu.

Click on advanced privacy settings under customizing Hotmail, and switch from let me recover deleted messages to don’t let me recover deleted messages – once they leave the Deleted folder, don’t give me a link to get them back under deleted messages here.

hotmail deleted messages

Click the Save button in the end to save the new preference. Emails that you delete in the deleted folder from that moment on, can’t be recovered anymore.

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23 de febrero de 2015

5 Tips de Cómo ganar dinero con un blog

Cómo ganar dinero con tu blog: 5 consejos

Por Jeff Wuorio

Muchas personas que escriben blogs hoy en día simplemente quieren compartir su opinión sobre algo. Pero luego están las personas con mentalidad empresarial, que han encontrado una manera de utilizar los blogs, o Web logs, para que en un poco de dinero extra también.

Si usted está interesado en tomarlo más lejos - los blogs de dólares, si se quiere - aquí están cinco estrategias que podrían convertir tu blog en una fuente de dinero.

1. Venta de publicidad. Esto es probablemente el medio más común de aprovechar un blog para generar ingresos. Si el suyo pasa a convertirse en un blog muy conocido, o uno que sea bien recibido en un nicho particular, siempre es posible la venta de espacio publicitario en su cuenta. Para blogs Bing y servicios como AdSense de Google o Blogads, los bloggers pueden establecer programas de publicidad. AdSense - que le permite seleccionar varios anuncios que sean compatibles con el contenido de tu blog - le paga sobre la base de cuántos lectores clic en los anuncios para obtener más información. Aún mejor, es gratis. Blogads, por el contrario, los ganchos con los bloggers a los posibles anunciantes y se gravan con una comisión a cambio de cualquier colocación de anuncios que resulten. "Lo bueno también es que los anuncios son relativamente discreta", dice Scott Allen, co-autor de El apretón de manos virtual: Puertas de apertura y cierre de operaciones en línea.

2. Ayudar a vender productos de otros. Aquí hay otra oportunidad de click-through. Los programas de afiliados permitirá a su blog para servir como un conducto entre los lectores y los sitios en línea que ofrece diversos bienes y servicios. Una opción popular es Amazon.com. Si, por ejemplo, que ofrecen reseñas de libros o incluso sólo mencionar un libro de pasada en su blog, un programa de afiliados ofrece un medio para que sus lectores a hacer clic directamente desde tu blog a Amazon para obtener más información sobre el libro.

Si se rompen la chequera o tarjeta de cargo, se le paga también.

3. Solicitar contribuciones. No todas las oportunidades de ingresos relacionados con blogs de las mercancías que pregonan o servicios. Como Blanche DuBois dijo en Un tranvía llamado deseo, considere confiar en la bondad de los extraños. Pregunte por las contribuciones. Si, por ejemplo, su pequeña empresa blog apoya una causa o un problema de alguna manera - dicen que en repetidas ocasiones mencionó la reforma fiscal, la atención médica o algún otro tema - siempre puede pedir ayuda lector. Incluso si usted ha atraído a un grupo de seguidores regulares que simplemente disfrutan de la lectura de lo que tiene que decir, es posible que estén dispuestos a garantizar su lealtad con un poco de ayuda económica. Programas tales como PayPal que sea fácil de establecer un simple botón en el sitio recaudación de cotizaciones. "Hay un montón de dignas" causa "blogs que cumplirían los requisitos para las donaciones de los miembros de agradecimiento de la comunidad de blogs", dice Las Vegas consultor de comunicaciones Ned Barnett.

4. Comercializar sus servicios en tu blog. Muchas personas asocian los blogs exclusivamente con una caja de jabón basada en el ciberespacio - un lugar para gritar sus opiniones y poco más que eso. Por supuesto, los blogs son un lugar ideal para compartir sus pensamientos con otros, pero no pase por alto su capacidad para generar nuevos negocios también. Cuando sea apropiado, trabajar en las referencias a lo que haces y, a su vez, lo que puede ser capaz de ofrecer uno de los posibles clientes o clientes que pueden estar leyendo tu blog. Esto se puede propagar su opinión y su Moxie negocio, al mismo tiempo. "En lugar de comentarios cortos que comienzan un diálogo con los lectores, como los blogs que hacen muchos, yo escribo el equivalente de artículos de revistas que demuestran mis habilidades, estrategias y perspectivas sobre temas específicos, "dice Barnett. "Cuando resuena, que significa dinero, ya que a partir de este enfoque, que han generado tres nuevos clientes que pagan y trajo a unos 10.000 dólares en los ingresos -.. Directamente atribuible a los blogs específicos"

5. Usar un blog para profundizar sus relaciones con los clientes existentes. Tampoco ningún material publicitario insertado en el contenido del blog tiene que ser limitado a poner en el negocio completamente nuevo. Al utilizar un blog para comunicarse regularmente con clientes existentes, así como otros lectores, usted puede tomar ventaja de la oportunidad de aprovechar en su totalidad les informará acerca de todo lo que hace su negocio. Eso puede ampliar la comprensión de sus lectores de todo el alcance de sus productos o servicios. "Mi blog ha ayudado a clientes existentes determinar el alcance de mis conocimientos y servicios", dice Ted Demopoulos de Asociados Demopoulos, uno de Durham, NH y la preocupación de consultoría de formación. "Un cliente que sólo me había utilizado para el entrenamiento en el pasado fue sorprendido en mi rango de experiencia y ahora me está utilizando para un proyecto de consultoría. Otro que sólo me utilizan en los proyectos técnicos ahora se me considere para un proyecto más orientado a los negocios. "

How to make money from your blog: 5 tips

By Jeff Wuorio

Many people who write blogs today simply want to share their opinion on something. But then there are the business-minded folks, who have found a way to use blogs, or Web logs, to bring in a little extra cash too.

If you're interested in taking it further — blogging for bucks, if you will — here are five strategies that could turn your blog into a moneymaker.

1. Sell advertising. This is likely the most common means of leveraging a blog to generate income. If yours happens to become a well-known blog, or one that is well-received in a particular niche, it's always possible to sell ad space on your own. For Bing Blogs and services such as Google's AdSense or BlogAds, bloggers can establish ad programs. AdSense's — which lets you select several ads that are consistent with the content of your blog — pays you based on how many readers click on the ads for further information. Even better, it's free. BlogAds, on the other hand, hooks bloggers up with would-be advertisers and levies a commission in return for any ad placements that result. "The nice thing, too, is that the ads are relatively unobtrusive," says Scott Allen, co-author of The Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors and Closing Deals Online.

2. Help sell others' products. Here is another click-through opportunity. Affiliate programs enable your blog to serve as a conduit between readers and online sites offering various goods and services. One popular choice is Amazon.com. If, for instance, you offer book reviews or even just mention a book in passing in your blog, an affiliate program provides a means for your readers to click directly from your blog to Amazon to obtain further information about the book.

If they break out the checkbook or charge card, you get paid as well.

3. Solicit contributions. Not every blog-related income opportunity involves hawking goods or services. As Blanche DuBois said in A Streetcar Named Desire, consider relying on the kindness of strangers. Ask for contributions. If, for instance, your small-business blog supports a cause or issue in some fashion — say you repeatedly mention tax reform, health care or some other topic — you can always ask for reader support. Even if you've attracted a group of regular followers who simply enjoy reading what you have to say, they may be willing to underwrite their loyalty with a little financial help. Programs such as PayPal make it easy to establish a simple on-site contribution collection button. "There are lots of worthy 'cause' blogs that would qualify for donations from grateful members of the blog community," says Las Vegas communications consultant Ned Barnett.

4. Market your services in your blog. Many people associate blogs exclusively with a cyberspace-based soapbox — a place to shout your opinions and little more than that. Granted, blogs are an ideal venue to share your thoughts with others, but don't overlook their capacity to generate new business as well. When appropriate, work in references to what you do and, in turn, what you may be able to offer any would-be client or customer who may be reading your blog. That can spread your opinion and your business moxie at the same time."Instead of short commentaries that begin a dialogue with readers, as many blogs do, I write the equivalent of journal articles that demonstrate my abilities, strategies and perspectives on specific issues," Barnett says. "When it resonates, it means money. Since starting this approach, I have generated three new paying clients and brought in about $10,000 on revenue — directly attributable to specific blogs."

5. Use a blog to deepen your existing customer relations. Nor does any marketing material inserted in blog content have to be limited to bringing in completely new business. By using a blog to regularly communicate with existing clients as well as other readers, you can take advantage of the opportunity to fully inform them about everything your business does. That may expand your readers' understanding of the full scope of your products or services."My blog has helped existing clients determine the range of my skills and services," says Ted Demopoulos of Demopoulos Associates, a Durham, N.H. consulting and training concern. "One client who had only used me for training in the past was surprised at my range of expertise and is now using me for a consulting project. Another who only used me on technical projects is now considering me for a more business-oriented project."

18 de febrero de 2015

3 Caracteristicas Ocultas en la Busqueda Avanzada de Google que probablemente no sepas

3 Caracteristicas Ocultas en la Busqueda Avanzada de Google que probablemente no sepas

google advanced search

Google en su afan de mejorar su motor de busqueda, no solo trabajan meticulosamente en cambios de su algoritmo de busqueda. Tambien en el diseño del sitio, la interfaz del usuario y las caracteristicas de busqueda reciben constantes actualizaciones. Muchos cambios son sutiles y por lo tanto facilmente pasan desapercibidos. Igualmente muchas caracteristicas avanzadas en la busqueda estan muy bien escondidas... al ojo cotidiano.

En este articulo quiero que presten atencion al "Página de Búsqueda Avanzada de Google" que contiene bastantes caracteristicas utiles a la hora de buscar que no estan en la Barra Laterial Izquierda. Esta pagina puede hacer tu busqueda tanto mas ediciente como mucho mas facil, especialmente si no recuerdas varios comandos de busqueda.

1. Buscar Imagenes por Region

Buscar Imagenes por Region es una nueva y avanzada opcion para buscar imagenes. Se activa cuando te cambias a la seccion de Imagenes y luego das click en

Image search by region is a new advanced search option. It becomes available when you switch to Images and then open the old Advanced Search window via the link underneath the search button (magnifying glass).
google advanced search
Here you can filter the results by region.
google search engine advanced search
In the examples below I searched for large images with the keyword ‘fashion’ in the regions Cameroon (upper results page) and Canada (lower results page).
google search engine advanced search
google search engine advanced search
The screenshots above reveal several more cool image search features available through the sidebar, for example searching by colors, subject, or (not shown) type. If you would also like to search images from a specific source or with specific usage rights, open the old Advanced Search page and find even more options.
For more tips and tricks regarding Google’s image search, have a look at these articles:
  • 10 Tips to Have Fun Using Advanced Google Search for Images
  • How To Find Similar Images Using Google’s Image Search

2. Search Videos With Subtitles

The sidebar for Videos search offers many interesting options, for example searching by duration, time uploaded, or source. When you switch to the Advanced Search page, however, you will find several more valuable features, for example searching videos by language or searching only closed captioned videos, i.e. videos with subtitles.
search videos with subtitles
Most results are from YouTube, so this search option ultimately highlights a feature offered by YouTube. When you open the video, you will see that it doesn’t contain any traditional subtitles at all. YouTube does, however, provide something called ‘Interactive Transcript‘. Interactive transcripts essentially work like subtitles, only that they are displayed in a separate window below the video and hence are not visible in full screen view.
youtube interactive transcript
Care for more YouTube-related search tricks? Maybe you’re interested in learning How to Search YouTube Like a PRO with Google Advanced Operators.

3. Search With Google SafeSearch Enabled

If you want to avoid adult content on Google, you can turn on the SafeSearch filter. This can be done manually for each and every search or you can make it your default.
To do it manually, switch to Advanced Search, expand the > Date, usage rights, region, and more link and set SafeSearch to > On.
If you are searching for Images, SafeSearch is displayed as the very last option and you can choose from no, moderate, or strict filtering. Other search sub-categories do not offer an individual SafeSearch.
You can also set a cookie to make SafeSearch your default. Google’s Global Preferences page has a Safe Search Filtering section, which offers three settings: no, moderate, or strict filtering.
google advanced search
Most people use Google Search like they use their brains: they don’t use it to its full potential. These articles can help you to change some of both:
